Planning a summer wedding? We found some last minute tips here on that will help you make your day just a little better.

Tip 1: Order a backup boutonniere 

The boutonniere is especially fragile since your groom will be wearing it throughout the day and it has to withstand hugs and heat! So ask your florist to give you some extra backup flowers and even a second boutonniere for the wedding day. There may be an additional charge, but you’ll be happy you have it if his flowers start to droop.

Tip 2: Purchase parasols or fans for the ceremony

If you’re having an outdoor wedding in June July or August, be especially considerate of your guests. Provide parasols for during the ceremony or pair fans with the programs (or create program fans that do double-duty!). You’ll look like you thought of everything (you did) and you won’t be worried about rushing the vows due to heat. Plus, keep the parasols around for the wedding party photos—they make a cute accessory!

Tip 3: Welcome guests with a refreshing drink

You should have the catering contract solidified at this point, but if you didn’t think of it before, consider offering guests a refreshing drink like a fruity tea before the ceremony begins. At the reception, if it fits with your theme, you can serve mini milkshakes with fun old-fashioned straws or even fresh fruit popsicles. Mention the idea to your caterer so they have time to organize.

Tip 4: Cool down the dance floor

At this point, you’ve booked your reception entertainment. The next thing to do is plan for lots of dancing! If it’s hot, guests will need a way to cool off and a perfect way is to have iced washcloths on hand. Buy small cloths, enough for all your attendees, and notify the venue you’d like the servers to pass them out at the party. They can walk around with the cold cloths on a silver tray to keep a level of formality.

Tip 5: Bulk up on bug spray and citronella candles

 tiki torches/”5 last minute tips for planning your summer wedding ”/ Photo: Kristen Weaver Photography / The Knot

If there’s at all a chance of bugs, you’ll want have a game plan– especially as the sun begins to set (when mosquitos and insects are at their worst). Stock up and add bug spray to hospitality baskets for guests at the venue. And light citronella candles or even tiki torches if there’s space and your venue will allow it. Your guests will thank you.