Have you ever wondered what a Halloween Wedding would be like?? Well wonder no more. We found these fun Halloween inspired wedding photos on tressugar.com. Would you try any of these ideas at your October wedding??

Bold and Beautiful

Celebrate your wedding in Day of the Dead style by using a rainbow of colors on everything from your flags, roses, centerpieces, and skeleton cake toppers.

No Bones About It

Now this is how you do a Dia de los Muertos wedding: skeleton face paint, black leather, and an ornate cathedral. Not for the faint of heart!


A Burton Big Day

If there’s any filmmaker who encapsulates the Halloween spirit, it’s the man behind Corpse Bride and The Nightmare Before Christmas, Tim Burton. Adding touches from his films adds a spooky yet whimsical feeling to your wedding.

Cemetery Junction

If you’re going to do a day-after, trash the dress shoot, go big or go home with face paint and a creepy cemetery locale.

Color Me Orange

If you aren’t up for the deathly details, keep it simple and modern with the holiday’s black and orange color scheme.

Day of the Dead

If your wedding falls on the day after Halloween, on the Mexican holiday Dia de los Muertos, add a cultural twist to your big day by adding “day of the dead” details like masks and skulls.

Frighteningly Inviting

Halloween-themed wedding invites don’t have to be cheesy; go with a vintage-looking letterpress to set a classy tone.

A Grave Setting

Who needs a church for a wedding ceremony when you could use a graveyard?

Haunted Mansion

It’s all about location, location, location. And a New Orleans manor that looks eerily similar to Disneyland’s Haunted Mansion is just the ticket!

Lighten Up

An Oct. 31 wedding doesn’t have to be dark, black, and somber to have the holiday’s essence. Switch things up by using white predominately with pops of orange and black. The effect is elegant and chic.

Make It Rustic

Even a Halloween wedding can have a country-rustic atmosphere with vintage details and a woodsy location. Use retro Halloween motifs on your goodie bags — trick or treat!

Party Time!

You can still dress traditionally for the ceremony, but let loose for the reception by having everyone change into costumes!

Play Dress-Up

Your wedding can be classic and traditional, but be sure to at least have a huge box of costumes, masks, and props for the photo booth and reception. Your guests will love it!

Pumpkin Places

Mini pumpkins are perfect for table assignment cards and can double as favors!

Thrilling First Dance

A first dance wouldn’t be complete without a little “Thriller” thrown in!