We found these 12 things on msn.com that you need to do right after you get engaged!
1. Call Your Relatives (Even the Ones You Never Really Talk to)
2. Get your Ring Sized
Man putting engagement ring on woman's finger 
3. Get your ring insured
Woman's hand with engagement ring 
4. Set a date- Even if it’s not the date
Man's hand with wedding band 
5. Create a wedding blog
Woman on laptop drinking coffee 
6. Daydream (a lot)
Woman reading a magazine 
7. Plan a night out with just your fiance
Couple dining out 
8. Get a wedding planner
Person holding binders 
9. Think about whether you want a wedding coordinator of if you want to do it all alone
Couple talking to wedding coordinator 
10. Start a wedding savings account
Wedding cake with piggy banks on top 
11. Ask your parents, and his, for their ideal guest lists
Guest list book and presents 
12. Chill out and have fun!
Couple getting a massage 
 We decided to add a 13th… CALL CASTLE MANOR!!!!

Let us help you on your special day. Give us a call at 435-563-0774 to find out more!!