Top 5 Worst Mistakes Made When Planning a Wedding

1. Wasting Money-
Be careful to spend your money wisely. The first step is to establish your budget. Different personalities will put priorities on different items. Make sure you establish what matters most to you (for some brides, the wedding dress is the most important thing, and others it might be the venue or the food). Don’t let vendors talk you into spending twice what you need to on their product.

2. Forgetting About What the Wedding is Really About-
Don’t get caught up in all the details of your reception. Remember that the most important part of your wedding day is the ceremony, and everything after that is just celebrating it. I have heard many brides say that by the end of their wedding day, they realized that the only thing that really matters is that they got married to their best friend.

3. Thinking That it Could Never Rain on Your Wedding Day- 
Be prepared for any type of weather. In Utah we have even gotten snow in July, so make sure you take this into consideration if you want an outside wedding.  Here at Castle Manor, we will save an inside area for you even if you reserve an outside area. We want to be fully prepared to make your wedding day the best it can be.

4. Parting or Stressing the Night Before-
Whether you are partying too much, or staying up late doing last minute things, not getting enough sleep the night before your wedding can be detrimental to your mood.  It is not worth it! Wedding days are often long and tiring, prepare yourself by getting enough sleep the night before.

5. Not Involving Your Better Half-
Many brides (I have actually had a couple of grooms do this as well) get carried away with planning their wedding day and forget to include their fiance! Be considerate, and you may just be surprised how much your fiance cares about the ins-and-outs of the wedding plans. 
For More Information- Call Castle Manor @ (435) 563-0774